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Posts posted by Tilvin

  1. So quick question , I know when I used to play WAY back in the day several people were using their own custom clients. Are they still around? Also I notice a lot of chatter on the HTML5 clients on the Phantasia5 website.. Did that actually roll out? and if so (even in beta) how would I be able to use that?

  2. I cannot seem to login anymore, it tells me my location is no longer allowed to play Phantasia, That said I may have been a bit dumb and tried to see if I could recover my original account (Tilvin) and failing that I went back to log into my other account (Pallace) and it said my location is banned. Can I please play agin if I promise not to try to guess passwords of my other accounts>

  3. If you dont want to do math on how much brains str and energy that pesky size 23 kepie has.... this is a nifty tool... however i will warn that it is NOT entirely accurate based on the new "regular, elite, master" system... but will give you enough of an idea to know that you need to make around xxx much damage to kill.
    This calc as i understand it is allowed by the rules as it does not show you how much mana kills a size 15 Saruman.


  4. If anyone was wondering about the "post calc" that was mentioned in the rules, well here it is. Its kinda cool if you want to plan out how you buy things or don't know where the next post is or what they sell for new players.


  5. Hi all,
    So i am a daily player at least a little bit each day. my fav class is mage, although i haven't had too much luck yet. I hope one day to get it under control and start building up to a valar.
    If you see me on dont be afraid to say hi! although if i am not on chances are you will see a corpse or two of mine.

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