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Everything posted by Kiyone

  1. Should of taken a screenshot. I was just attacked by A monster. thats what it said, A monster, at -905,563 . It died in like one hit and gave like 260 exp. odd.
  2. One time i ordered a Shrieker from the Dwarven smithy in the 200's area and it gave me a size 9 Coblynau, another time i ordered a shrieker in that range it gave me a size 10 Shrieker. Is this normal cuz i dunno! :3 i was level 36 at -205, 206 with 6 degen magic level 50 brain 128 as a male fighter
  3. Some odd bugs. I had a 700 shield and turned in a material upgrade quest at -100,-100 and it went to 660. I was at -400,-400 trying to buy 11 books at 100g a piece and I had 1104 g. First it told me that merchants are stupid and not to cheat them, then it stole my money and teleported me.
  4. aaaand its back http://phorums.phantasia5.com/wcf/images/smilies/emojione/1f606.png
  5. aaaaaaand now its down DX i was wondering why I couldn't log in...
  6. Idont remember that being a thin >:O! but meh
  7. Hmm, I was wondering because the character name Kiyone was in use and like I was always the one using that name in P4. Could you tell me the name of the account that character is in? either its mine or it isn't, lol
  8. Hahaha. I logged in. http://phorums.phantasia5.com/wcf/images/smilies/emojione/1f606.png Say, are old phantasia4 accounts still active?
  9. i have to use Internet Explorer to play? Suuuuper nostalgia... XD
  10. Makes me saaaaaaad I want to reliiiive it. D;http://phorums.phantasia5.com/wcf/images/smilies/emojione/1f62b.png
  11. I'm also not sure what to put under exceptions to let it get through.
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